Published 12/29/2024
- economic security,
- martial law,
- conceptual foundations,
- threats,
- security determinants
- globalization,
- military aggression ...More

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The urgent scientific and practical task is to update the theoretical and methodological approaches to understanding economic security and to transform the perception of its priorities in accordance with modern realities. Further in-depth research is needed on ensuring economic security in Ukraine during wartime, which should be considered both in terms of traditional security processes and reflect current trends in the transformation of the global security environment.
The purpose of the article is to study the evolution of conceptual principles for ensuring economic security in order to systematize the specific features of security processes in wartime conditions and justify priorities for ensuring Ukraine's economic security in light of contemporary geopolitical challenges. To achieve this goal, the article employs methods of historical-retrospective and monographic analysis, abstraction and generalization, analysis and synthesis, as well as structuring and visualization of results.
The results of systematizing the stages of the evolution of conceptual principles for researching Ukraine's economic security allow concluding that the key difference at different stages lies in recognizing the priority of certain security determinants (threats), the impact of which, in turn, shapes the priorities for ensuring the country's economic security and determines its conceptual understanding. Threats may be internal regarding the national economic system or external, resulting from objective transformations in the global or regional security environment.
The most challenging situation for ensuring economic security arises when internal and external threats interact, which, according to the provided periodization, is characteristic of the third (modern) stage of the evolution of conceptual principles for researching Ukraine's economic security. Ensuring economic security in wartime and ongoing Russian aggression requires not only effective operational management of this process but also the development of preventive mechanisms to respond to the potential further escalation of threats to the stable functioning of the national economy.
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